This package provides auto discovery for other custer members on AWS using both tag matching and filters. It is a drop in replacement for TCPPING, allowing you to remove the definition of your initial members from your configuraiton file.
To use AWS auto discovery, you need to add a dependency to this package in your pom:
<dependency> <groupId>com.meltmedia.jgroups</groupId> <artifactId>jgroups-aws</artifactId> <version>1.3.0</version> </dependency>
and then replace TCPPING in your stack with
< port_number="7800" tags="TAG1,TAG2" filters="NAME1=VALUE1,VALUE2;NAME2=VALUE3" access_key="AWS_ACCESS_KEY" secret_key="AWS_SECRET_KEY"/>
see the configuration section for information. You can find an example stack in conf/aws_ping.xml.
This implementation will only work from inside EC2, since it uses environment information to auto wire itself. See the Setting Up EC2 section for more information.
You will need to setup the following in EC2, before using this package:
The JGroups project provides a chat application that is great for testing your configuration. To set up the chat application, first create two EC2 nodes, following the Setting Up EC2 instructions. Once the nodes are created, SSH into each machine and install the java 8 JDK, Maven 3, and Git.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk wget sudo tar xzf apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.tar.gz /opt ln -s /opt/maven /opt/apache-maven-3.0.4 echo "export PATH=/opt/maven/bin:$PATH" >> .profile . ~/.profile sudo apt-get install git mkdir ~/git
Now your machine is ready to compile maven projects.
Next, clone and build this project.
cd ~/git git clone git:// cd jgroups-aws mvn clean install
Finally, it is time to run the project. You will need to edit the configuration in conf/aws-ping.xml. Add values for the tags, access_key and secret_key attributes. Remove the filters attribute. Then execute the following:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.jgroups.demos.Chat" -Dexec.args="-props conf/aws-ping.xml"